3.CNC Computer Numerical Control

This week we worked with laser cutting and vinyl cutting, all digitally, we started with a general team training and then we worked individually.

Group assignment

The CNC laser cutter we use is a CAMFIVE that is at the IDIT at the Ibero Puebla University.

Likewise, we were asked to work on the cutter with the following safety materials.

The recommended steps to begin laser cutting are as follows:

1.- Turn on the machine's smoke extractor.

2.- Turn on the power supply of the laser cutter.

3.- Remove the emergency button.

4.- Connect the key and turn it so that the configuration panel turns on.

5.- The white button indicates that the laser is on (Turn it on).

6.- Check that the ignition knob is at maximum.

Personal work


For the CNC that was laser cutting, we were asked for a geometric kit that would assemble creating different shapes from the basic shapes created, we were told that if we managed to generate an assembly with a flexible finish we would be given an extra point that would help us in the future, the truth is that I tried, but it did not turn out as I thought, as the assemblies were not so well thought out.

Although we had previously done some cutting tests to see the flexibility of the material with the different cuts that we found in the net and those that we saw with our instructors, in the assembly it did not work as it was not so well thought out.

The cuts were programmed in the Smart Carve program, i.e. here they were given the speed and power for cutting and engraving. Based on colors, the indications of each process were given and after arranging the material and head the cut was sent, the flexibility tests that I carried out took approximately 41 minutes.


Here you can download the final files



For the vinyl cutting we used the Art Cut program on an STM ROBOTICs plotter, where I cut a gold adhesive vinyl to decorate a bicycle.

The cutting plotter I used for this task is shown below.

The recommended steps to cut vinyl in this case are as follows:

1.-Connect the plotter to the power

2.-Turn on the power button

3.-Connect the USB to the computer

4.- Open the program on the computer

5.- On the cutting plotter, make sure that the blade is in the appropriate position

6.- On the cutting plotter, place the vinyl from behind and secure with the rollers

7.- In the cutting plotter, give the cutting origin

8.- On the cutting plotter, set the cutting parameters (speed and power)

The first thing we did was make a quick vectorization in Illustrator, later it was saved in EPS version 8 since it is the extension that the cutting program recognizes.

Once we have the file, we open Art cut and select the file, we send it to cut and the plotter begins with its work.

To order to cut; We open the Art cut program, at the beginning a window appears where we configure our work area and select “new document”.

A work window opens that looks more or less like this (image below).

Once the new document is open, we are going to “enter”, locate our file and open it. With the selection tool we select our work and check that your file is in order, in case you cannot ungroup and delete what does not serve you in “edit” > “ungroup sculpture” and finishing deleting again in “edit” > “group sculpture”.

If your file is correct, skip this step and directly go to “file” > “sculpture export”, a new window opens, check that your file and measurements are correct, that the com is connected and recognized, if Everything is correct, click on “export sculpture”, once this is done, the cutting will begin on the plotter.

Once the cut is ready, the tedious part begins since you must shave it and leave what you want and remove the rest of the material.

Once the waxing is finished, you place the transfer paper to be able to place it on the desired surface, in this case a bicycle.
